PPMB Ban Procedures
Be sure to read
The Official Paperpusher Message Board Rules
Moderator/User Guide to the PPMB
before reading this.
* IMPORTANT: The following changes will take place, effective immediately. [Amended December 29, 2007 EST]
** A board member's first ban will usually be temporary (two weeks), but not always.
Three formal warnings will be allowed before the two-week ban is enforced. Formal warnings will be listed in the profiles of offenders, thus allowing mods and admins to see how close to the ban the users in question are.
** The board member will
usually be informed via PM and/or e-mail (but sometimes on the board itself, depending upon the circumstances) what type of ban he/she has, the reasons for the ban, the specific date and time it will start, and the specific date and time it will end. This window of time exists in order to ensure that the board member is given proper notice. If the board member uses the time to talk trash to the mods/admins in PM or on the board, the temporary ban automatically becomes permanent.
** When a person gets banned, his/her IP(s) will be blocked, as well as all of the person's usernames, so the person should not be able to get on at all from the usual locations. If one of your usernames gets banned, consider them all banned.
In addition:
1) I will
not be making any big announcement about who was banned (such as, "This week, I temporarily banned board members X, Y, and Z"). It will be the banned person's responsibility to inform others.
2) If, after the designated "start" date and before the designated "end" date, the board member finds that he/she can get on the board and post, we will quickly remedy the problem and the temporary ban will become permanent.
3) If the person finds a different point of entry and tries to get on using another user name, he/she will be banned permanently. If it occurs
after the person has been banned permanently, it doesn't matter if the "new" person is well behaved, or if it takes us months to discover his/her true identity -- if you post on the board while under "banned" status, your account will be deleted and you will be banned.
Once you are banned permanently, that is it. There is no leniancy for "good behavior."
4) If, during your temporary ban, you talk trash about the PPMB, the mods, and/or the admins in a public forum (chat, other
Daria message boards, etc.), you will jeopardize your chances of being let back onto the PPMB. While normally I don't pay much attention to what board members say or do in other public forums, in this situation, the person has
already abused my trust. Now he or she will have to earn it back, and talking trash is a great way to make your temporary ban permanent.
5) If you are given a temporary ban and serve it without a fuss, you will return to full privileges on the message board. However, if you fall back into the pattern of insults and nastiness, after several occurrances (or just a few, depending upon the severity), you will be banned permanently.
I hope to institute as few bans as possible, because I don't like them. However, as I noted in
this thread, sometimes enough is more than enough.
Please spare me your complaints, "Why did I or my friend get banned when So-n-so is
much worse?!" The mods/admins alone make the decisions about who is ban-worthy. If So-n-so is really so horrible, So-n-so will receive his comeuppance before too long.
Also spare me your grumbling about how we should all be privileged to have you as a member of the board. If you are being banned, more than likely, you have ticked off quite a few people.
And no, we
don't owe you anything. You don't pay for this board;
I do. You don't give up your time to watch over the board and keep it civil;
we, the mods and admins do. All we ask in return is that you respect and get along with us and the other board members. A ban would show that you couldn't even manage that.